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Christianson, J.P. (2023) An insula-enriched regulator of retinoic acid marks a new intersection in the neural circuitry of mouse social behavior. American Journal of Psychiatry. Apr 1; 180(4): 262-264


Barretto-de-Souza, L., Joseph, S.A., Lynch, F.M.., Ng., A.J., Crestani, C.C., Christianson, J.P. (2023) Melanin concentrating hormone and orexin shape social affective behavior via action in the insular cortex of rat Psychopharmacology  


Djerdjaj, A, Rieger, N.A., Brady, B., Carey, B., Christianson, J.P. (2023) Basolateral amygdala and insular cortex mediate social approach to stressed females. PLoSOne. DOI:


Ng, AJ., Vincelette, LK, Li, J, Brady, BH, Christianson, JP. (2023) Serotonin modulates social responses to stressed conspecifics via insular 5-HT2C receptors in rat. Neuropharmacology, 236:109598. Doi: 10.1016/j.neuropharm.2023.109598


Rieger, N.A., Ng, A., Lee, S., Brady, B., Christianson, J.P. (2023) Maternal immune activation alters offspring social affective behavior and insular cortex sensitivity to corticotropin releasing factor. Hormones & Behavior, 149:105313. doi: 10.1016/j.yhbeh.2023.105313 **Write-up by Spectrum News ​



Djerdjaj A, Ng AJ, Rieger NS, Christianson JP. The basolateral amygdala to posterior insular cortex tract is necessary for social interaction with stressed juvenile rats. Behav Brain Res. 2022 Oct 28;435:114050. doi: 10.1016/j.bbr.2022.114050. *Selected as Editor's Choice


Rieger N.S., Varela J.A., Ng A.J., Granata L., Djerdjaj A., Brenhouse H.C., Christianson J.P. (2022) Insular cortex corticotropin-releasing factor integrates stress signaling with social affective behavior.  Neuropsychopharmacology. doi: 10.1038/s41386-022-01292-7. 


Naughton, J.R., Varela, J.A., Connolly, T.J., Shepard, S., Dodge, T.E., Kempa, K. Burns, M.J., Christianson, J.P., Naughton, M.R. (2021). Suppression of crosstalk in multi-electrode arrays with local shielding. Front. Nanotechnology. DOI 10.3389/fnano.2022.948337


Rieger N.S., Worley N.B., Ng A.J., Christianson JP. (2022) Insular cortex modulates social avoidance of sick rats. Behav Brain Res. 416:113541. doi: 10.1016/j.bbr.2021.113541. 



Foilb AR, Sansaricq GN, Zona EE, Fernando K, Christianson JP. (2021) Neural correlates of safety learning.

Behavioral Brain Research. 396:112884. doi: 10.1016/j.bbr.2020.112884.


Christianson J.P. (2021) The head and the heart of fear. Science. Nov 19;374(6570):937-938. doi: 10.1126/science.abm6790. PMID: 34793218.



N.B. Worley, S.R. Everett, A.R. Foilb, J.P. Christianson. (2020) Functional networks activated by 

controllable and uncontrollable stress in male and female rats, Neurobiology of Stress,13, 100233.


Rieger NS, Christianson JP. (2020) Vigilance in a time of social distancing. Neuropsychopharmacology. 2020;45(9):1409-1410. doi:10.1038/s41386-020-0672-5


Worley NB, Varela JA, Gaillardetz GP, Hill MN, Christianson JP. (2020) Monoacylglycerol lipase alpha inhibition alters prefrontal cortex excitability and blunts the consequences of traumatic stress in rat. Neuropharmacology, 166:107964. doi:10.1016/j.neuropharm.2020.107964



Rogers-Carter, M.M.**, Djerdjaj, A., Gribbons, K.B., Varela, J.A., Christianson, J.P. (2019) Insular cortex projections to nucleus accumbens core mediate social approach to stressed juvenile rats. Journal of Neuroscience, 39 (44), 8717-8729. Preprint version at bioRxiv.


Rogers-Carter M.M.**, Christianson, J.P. (2019) An insular view of the social decision-making networkNeuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews,103: 119-132. doi: 10.1016/j.neubiorev.2019.06.005


Worley, N.B., Djerdjaj, A., Christianson, J.P. (2019) Convolutional Neural Network Analysis of Social Novelty Preference using DeepLabCut bioRxiv 736983; doi: 



Rogers-Carter, M.M.**, Djerdjaj, A., Culp, A.R.* Elbaz, J.A.*, & Christianson, J.P. (2018) Familiarity modulates social approach toward stressed conspecifics in female rats. PLoSONE, 13(10):e0200971. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0200971


McReynolds, J.R., Christianson, J.P., Blacktop, J.M., Mantsch, J.R. (in press) What does the Fos say? Using Fos-Based Approaches to Understand the Contribution of Stress to Substance Use DisordersNeurobiology of Stress. doi: 10.1016/j.ynstr.2018.05.004


Sarlitto, M*., Foilb, A.R.,**, Christianson, J.P. (2018) Ventrolateral orbitofrontal cortex is required for discrimination between danger and safety signals. Neuroscience, 379: 350-358. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroscience.2018.03.037


Rogers, M.R.**+, Varela, J.A.*+, Gribbons, K.B.*, Pierce, A.F.*, McGoey, M.T.*, Ritchey, M. Christianson, J.P. (2018) Insular Cortex Mediates Approach And Avoidance Responses To Social Affective Stimuli. Nature Neuroscience. doi: 10.1038/s41593-018-0071-y. +Morgan and Juan made equal contributions

Supplementary Video


Foilb, A.R.**, Christianson, J.P. (2018) Neural circuitry of fear inhibition by safety signals. In. S. Sangha & D. Foti (Eds), Neurobiology of Abnormal Emotion and Motivated Behaviors, Elsevier.  


Foilb, A.R.**, Bals, J*, Sarlitto, M*, Christianson, J.P. (2018) Sex differences in fear discrimination do not predict differences in summation. Learning & Memory 25(1):49-53. doi: 10.1101/lm.045500.117



Worley, N.**, Hill, M.W., Christianson, J.P. (in press) Prefrontal circuit excitability, endocannabinoids and stress resilience: a hypothesis. Progress in Neuro-pharmacology and Biological Psychiatry doi: 10.1016/j.pnpbp.2017.04.004.


Grace, P.M., Loram, L.C., Strand, K.A., Christianson, J.P., Flyer-Adams, J.G., Penzkover, K.R., Forsayeth, J.R., van Dam, A., Mahoney, M.J., Maier, S.F., Chavez, R.A., Watkins, L.R. (2017) Behavioral assessment of neuropathic pain, fatigue, and anxiety in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) and attenuation by interleukin-10 gene therapy. Brain, Behavior and Immunity. pii: S0889-1591(16)30121-0. doi: 10.1016/j.bbi.2016.05.012.



Foilb, A.R.**, Flyer-Adams, J.G., Maier, S.F., & Christianson, J.P. (2016) Posterior insular cortex is necessary for conditioned inhibition of fear. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, 134: 317-327. doi: 10.1016/j.nlm.2016.08.004


Naughton, J.R.,** Connolly, T., Varela, J.A., Lundberg, J.,* Burns, M.J., Chiles, T.C., Christianson, J.P., & Naughton, M.J. (2016) Shielded coaxial optrode arrays for neurophysiology. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 10: 252. doi: 10.3389/fnins.2016.00252.


Foilb, A.R.**, Christianson, J.P. (2016) Serotonin 2C receptor antagonist improves fear discrimination and safety signal recall. Progress in Neuro-pharmacology & Biological Psychiatry, 65(4): 78-84. doi: 10.1016/j.pnpbp.2015.08.017


Amat, J., Dolzani, S.D., Tilden, S., Christianson, J. P., Kubala, K.H., Bartholomay, K., Sperr, K., Ciancio, N., Watlkins, L.R., Maier, S.F. (2016) Ketamine produces an enduring blockade of neurochemical and behavioral effects of uncontrollable stress. The Journal of Neuroscience, 36(1): 153-61.


Chen, V.M.*, Foilb, A.R.**, Christianson, J.P. (2016) Inactivation of ventral hippocampus interfered with cued-fear acquisition but did not influence later recall or discrimination. Behavioural Brain Research, 296(1): 249-253.



Christianson, J.P., Flyer, J.G., Drugan, R.C., Amat, J., Foilb, A**., Watkins, L.R., & Maier, S.F. (2014) Learned stressor resistance requires extracellular signal-regulated kinase signaling in the prelimbic cortex. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 8: 345.


Amat, J., Christianson, J.P. Aleksejev, R.M., Kim, J., Richeson, K.R., Watkins, L.R., & Maier, S.F. (2014) Control over a stressor involves the posterior dorsal striatum and the act/outcome circuit. European Journal of Neuroscience, 40(2): 2352-8.


Christianson, J. P. & Greenwood, B. N. (2014) Stress-protective neural circuits: not all roads lead through the medial prefrontal cortex. Stress, 17(1): 1-12.



Thompson, RS. Christianson, JP. Maslanik, TM. Greenwood, B.N. Maier, S. Fleshner, M. (2013) Effects of stressor controllability on diurnal physiological rhythms. Physiology & Behavior, 112-113: 32-39.


Drugan, R.C., Christianson, J.P., Warner, T. & Kent, S. (2013) Resilience in shock and swim stress models of depression. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 7: 14.


Christianson, J.P. Drugan, R.C., Flyer, J.G., Watkins, L.R., & Maier, S.F. (2013) Anxiogenic effects of an acute swim are sensitive to stress history. Progress in Neuro-pharmacology and Biological Psychiatry, 44: 17-22.



Christianson, J. P., Jovanovic, T., Kazama, A., Fernando, A., Ostroff, L., Sanga, S. (2012). Inhibition of fear by learned safety signals: minisymposium review. Journal of Neuroscience, 32(41): 14118-14124.


Helmreich, D. L., Tylee, D., Christianson, J. P., Kubala, K. H., Govindarajan, S. T., O’Neill, B., Becoats, K., Watkins, LR., Maier, SF. (2012) Active behavioral coping alters the behavioral but not the endocrine response to stress. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 37(12): 1941-8.


Varela, J., Wang, J., Christianson, J. P., Maier, S. F., & Cooper, D. C. (2012) Control over stress, but not stress per se increases prefrontal cortical pyramidal neuron excitability. Journal of Neuroscience, 32(37): 12848-53.


Kubala, K. H., Christianson, J. P., Kaufman, R., Watkins, L. R., Maier, S. F. (2012) Controllable stress exposure during adolescence confers short- and long-term resilience: role of medial prefrontal cortex and dorsal raphé nucleus. Behavioral Brain Research, 234(2): 278–284.


Greenwood, B.N., Loughridge, A.B., Christianson, J. P., Sadaoui, N., Fleshner, M. (2012) The protective effects of voluntary exercise against the behavioral consequences of uncontrollable stress persist following cessation of exercise. Behavioural Brain Research, 233(2): 314-21.



Strong, P. V., Christianson, J. P., Laughridge, A. B., Maier, S. F., Fleshner, M., & Greenwood, B. N. (2011) 5-hydroxytrptamine 2C receptors in the dorsal striatum mediate stress-induced interference with negatively-reinforced instrumental learning. Neuroscience, 197: 132-44.


Christianson, J.P., Jennings, J.H., Ragole, T. Flyer, J., Benison, A., Barth, D., Watkins, L.R., Maier, S.F. (2011) Safety signals mitigate the consequences of uncontrollable stress via a circuit involving the sensory insular cortex and the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis. Biological Psychiatry, 70(5): 458-64.




Christianson, J. P., Ragole, T., Amat, J., Greenwood, B.N., Strong, P.V., Fleshner, M., Paul, E.D., Watkins, L.R., & Maier, S. F., (2010) 5-hydroxytryptamine 2C receptors in the basolateral amygdala are involved in the expression of anxiety after uncontrollable traumatic stress. Biological Psychiatry, 67(4): 339-45.



Christianson, J. P., Thompson, B., Watkins, L. R., & Maier, S. F. (2009) Medial prefrontal cortical activation modulates the impact of controllable and uncontrollable stressor exposure on a social exploration test of anxiety. Stress 12(5): 445-450.


Drugan, R. C., Christianson, J. P., Stine, W.W., Soucy, D. P. (2009) Swim stress-induced ultrasonic vocalizations forecast resilience in rats. Behavioural Brain Research, 202: 142-145.



Christianson, J. P., Benison, A.M., Jennings, J.H., Sandsmark, E.K., Amat, J., Kaufman, R.D., Barratta, M.V., Paul., E.D., Campeau, S., Watkins, L.R., Barth D.S., & Maier, S.F. (2008) The sensory insular cortex mediates the stress-buffering effects of safety signals but not behavioral control. Journal of Neuroscience, 28(50), 13703-13711.


Christianson, J. P., Paul, E., Irani, M, Thompson, B. M., Kubala, K. H., Yirmiha, R., Watkins, L. R., & Maier, S. F. (2008) Role of prior stressor controllability and the dorsal raphe nucleus in sucrose preference and social exploration. Behavioural Brain Research, 193, 87-93.      


Christianson, J. P., Rabbett, S., Lyckland, J., & Drugan, R. C. (2008) The immobility produced by intermittent swim stress is not mediated by serotonin. Pharmacology, Biochemistry, & Behavior, 89, 412-423.



Baratta, M., Christianson, J. P., Gamez, D. Zarza, C., Amat, J., Watkins, L. R., & Maier, S. F. (2007) Controllable versus uncontrollable stressors bi-directionally modulate conditioned but not innate fear. Neuroscience, 146(4), 1495-503

Drugan, R. C., Weidholtz, L., Holt, A., Kent, S., & Christianson, J. P. (2007) Environmental and Immune Stressors Enhance Alcohol Induced Motor Ataxia in Rat. Pharmacology, Biochemistry, & Behavior, 86(1), 125-31.



Levay, E. A., Govic, A., Hazi, A., Flannery, G., Drugan, R. D., Christianson, J. P., & Kent, S. (2006) Endocrine and immunological correlates of behaviorally identified swim stress resilient and vulnerable rats. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, 20, 488-497.



Drugan, R. C., Eren, S., Hazi, A., Silva, J., Christianson, J. P., & Kent, S. (2005) Impact of water temperature and stressor controllability on swim stress-induced changes in body temperature, serum corticosterone, and immobility in the rat. Pharmacology, Biochemistry, & Behavior, 82(2), 397-403.


Christianson, J. P., & Drugan, R. C. (2005) Intermittent cold water swim stress increases immobility and interferes with escape performance in rat. Behavioural Brain Research, 165(1), 58-62.


Christianson, J. P., Anderson, M. J., Misanin, J. R., & Hinderliter, C. F. (2005) Hypothermia prolongs the interval at which taste aversions can be formed when using a compound CS.  Perceptual and Motor Skills, 100, 913-919.



Misanin, J. R., Christianson, J. P., Anderson, M. J., Giovani, L. M., & Hinderliter, C. F., (2004) Ketaset-Rompun extends the effective interstimulus interval in long-trace taste-aversion conditioning in rats. Behavioral Processes, 65(2),111-21.



Misanin, J. R., Anderson, M. J., Christianson, J. P., Collins, M. M., Goodhart, M. G., Rushanan, S., & Hinderliter, C. F. (2002) Low body temperature, time dilation, and long-trace conditioned flavor-aversion in rats. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, 78(1), 167-177.


*Boston College Undergraduate

**Boston College Graduate Student

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